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By Mirielle Vacal
Manila, Philippines - Since World War II, Filipino women/Filipinas have played a significant role in the innovation system. Notable figures include Teódula Kalaw África, a Filipina chemist who contributed to the Philippine National Coconut Corporation and was the creative mind behind the popular snack and sinker “Nata De Coco”, and Maria Ylagan Orosa, the inventor of the beloved Filipino condiment “Banana Ketchup”.
Throughout history, Filipinas in innovation have made vital contributions to the country's development. As we celebrate National Women’s Month, it is essential to recognize and honor these achievements by sharing valuable lessons learned from our modern Filipina inventors and innovators.
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Good news! The deadline for submission of entries to the 2025 Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits by Cluster (ClusteRICE) has been extended!
ClusteRICE is conducted in accordance with the National Invention Contest established under Republic Act No. 7459, also known as the "Inventors and Invention Incentives Act of the Philippines." This year, the competition will group several regions into five clusters.
Please note the updated timeline for this activity: