Concept Prototyping Program

The Concept Prototyping Assistance Program aims to tap the laboratories and facilities of RDIs and SUCs in the development of an initial working prototype of a potential or actual invention as well as strengthen the laboratories and facilities of RDIs and SUCs. 

The program aims to provide technical and financial assistance to have invention prototypes tested so that design or working parameters can be improved or changed to attain sustainability prior to commercial production.

The Program provides support for the development of an initial working prototype of a potential invention or innovation through:

  1. Provision of technical assistance in collaboration with experts from the industry, DOST-RDIs and SUCs/HEIs;
  2. Provision of financial assistance for the development of an initial working prototype of the invention to cover raw materials, labor expenses, and testing fees. This excludes clinical study/trial specifically on medical-related technologies; and
  3. Assistance by laboratories and other facilities of RDIs and SUCs/HEIs in the development of an initial working prototype.

The Program aims to:

3.1 Encourage the development of new and working technologies by providing technical and financial assistance in the initial experiment and development of a potential or actual invention; and

3.2 Assist male and female inventors in tapping the common service facilities of RDIs and SUCs/HEIs.

The Program shall provide technical and financial support to Filipino Inventors through:

  • Technical assistance through the Inventor’s Forum or through endorsement to other DOST Agencies or RDIs or other experts from the industry;
  • Financial assistance not exceeding P1,000,000.00 in the form of grant may be availed by the inventor for the development of an initial prototype that may be released to the partner institution/s RDIs or SUCs/HEIs. The financial assistance shall cover raw materials, labor expenses including payment for the use of laboratories, facilities of RDIs and SUCs/HEIs and testing fees, or if necessary, purchase and/or installation of equipment that shall be housed in the partner institution; provided, however, that the Proponent shall agree to offer its counterpart such as but not limited to personal expenses, raw materials, among others; and
  • Financial assistance not exceeding P200,000.00 in the form of grant shall be released to the inventor for the purchase of raw materials to be used in the development of an initial working prototype.

The proponent shall satisfy the following to be eligible for assistance:

  1. Must be a Filipino citizen permanently residing in the Philippines or at least willing to permanently reside in the Philippines for the next five (5) years;
  2.  Must be of legal age, 65 years old and above should take in a co-implementor;
  3. Must be of good moral character or has not been convicted of any case involving moral turpitude;
  4. Must have no outstanding obligation with TAPI, DOST and its attached agencies and other government institutions.  Outstanding obligation refers to an overdue obligation that is not fully settled or cleared with the FAD of TAPI; and
  5. For juridical entity: must be Filipino-owned and registered in the Philippines with a secured deed of assignment of patent/UM registration.

The proponent shall comply/submit the following requirements:

1. Application letter addressed to TAPI Director

2. Valid Government-issued ID;

3. Concept paper, such as:

  1. For machine/device/apparatus – a disclosure containing but not limited to concept paper, technical drawings or sketches, schematic diagrams, wiring diagrams including the basic components or parts as well as the manner and process of making and constructing;
  2. For chemical or food products or processes – a disclosure containing the description of the step-by-step procedure on how to formulate the product and the conditions being observed in each step (raw materials, preparation of the raw materials, temperature/pressure being observed during the process), and chemical compositions in percent weight or volume and concentrations of the reagents used; and
  3. For IT or computer-related concepts comprising programs, application tools – a disclosure containing graphical user interface and flowchart among a few.

Atty. Rizalniño L. Noble

Program Manager, Senior Science Research Specialist

Telephone Number: 9@) 8582-1450 local 2150

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.