by Matt Jerome Casequin

"I define success for myself as having the capacity to encourage people to follow their dreams without boundaries and to produce goods or services that are beneficial to other people.” From the home-rich heritage and endless nature adventure, Zamboanga del Sur, nestled within the academic corridors of JH Cerilles State College, a unique and inspiring journey unfolds. Mariecel A. Fuentes, a dedicated college professor specializing in crop protection, is redefining sustainable agriculture through her innovative creation, Alpha Herbal Oil. Her story is one of resilience, inspiration, and an unwavering commitment to harnessing the power of nature for the betterment of society.

From humble beginnings to innovative solution


Photo courtesy of Ms. Fuentes

Mariecel Fuentes grew up under the nurturing care of her grandmother, a woman whose resourcefulness and practical wisdom left an indelible mark on her. Despite lacking formal education, her grandmother's ingenuity in creating products to support the family instilled in Mariecel the values of courage, discipline, and consistency. This familial influence, coupled with her academic pursuits, paved the way for her revolutionary approach to crop protection and sustainable agriculture.

As a crop protection major, Mariecel's expertise lies in managing weeds, a persistent pest in agriculture. Rather than viewing weeds solely as adversaries, she saw an opportunity to transform them into a valuable resource. This innovative perspective led to the development of Alpha Herbal Oil, a product that turns the challenge of weeds into a solution for common ailments.

The birth of Alpha Herbal Oil


The inception of Alpha Herbal Oil was driven by Mariecel's desire to create a safe, natural remedy for her children's illnesses. Unlike many commercial products laden with synthetic chemicals, Alpha Herbal Oil is crafted using carefully selected herbal organic ingredients known for their therapeutic properties. This all-natural composition ensures that the oil is gentle yet effective, providing comfort and relief without adverse side effects.

Mariecel's dedication to quality and efficacy is evident in the meticulous research and extensive trials she conducted. Sourcing high-quality organic ingredients from her farm, she underwent a rigorous process of formulation, constantly refining the balance of ingredients to maximize therapeutic benefits. Her family's positive experiences with the oil reinforced her belief in its potential, prompting her to seek formal validation.

Overcoming challenges and achieving validation

The journey of developing Alpha Herbal Oil was fraught with challenges, particularly in maintaining consistent quality and efficacy. Mariecel's methodical trial-and-error approach, combined with feedback from her family—who were the first to use the product—helped her overcome these obstacles. This iterative process of refinement not only enhanced the oil's effectiveness but also solidified its safety profile.


Screen grab from Ms. Fuentes' Audio Visual Presentation.

Presently, Alpha Herbal Oil is in the validation phase, awaiting official results. The Department of Science and Technology's Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI) has played a crucial role in this journey, providing guidance and opening avenues for further refinement and marketing. This support underscores the importance of perseverance, community, and the fusion of traditional knowledge with scientific validation.

Vision for the future


Alpha Herbal Oil packaging photo courtesy of Ms. Fuentes.

Mariecel envisions Alpha Herbal Oil making a significant impact on society by offering an affordable, safe, and effective remedy for ailments such as cough and muscle pain. Her long-term goal is to see the product widely available, produced in large quantities and recognized for its therapeutic benefits. She plans to establish dedicated laboratory facilities for mass production, ensuring consistent quality to meet growing consumer demand.

A Global Stage: The 2024 KIWIE

Mariecel's innovation will soon be showcased on an international platform at the 2024 Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE). She feels both excited and nervous about this opportunity, viewing it as a chance to gain valuable feedback, network with industry experts, and attract potential partners and investors. The exposition is not only a venue for visibility but also a launchpad for further development and commercialization of Alpha Herbal Oil.

Mariecel’s message to potential investors and adopters of Alpha Herbal Oil is clear: join her in revolutionizing healthcare and wellness with a natural, effective, and accessible alternative to conventional treatments. She envisions a world where this product, born out of love and necessity, becomes a symbol of resilience and innovation, inspiring others to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

Empowering women in STEM

Mariecel’s journey is a testament to the unique perspective and diversity of thought that women bring to the STEM fields. She believes that being an empowered woman has been a significant advantage, allowing her to approach scientific challenges with creativity and empathy. Balancing her roles as a scientist and a mother, she draws inspiration from her experiences, fostering a legacy of innovation and perseverance.

Ms. Fuentes embodies the spirit of ingenuity and dedication, transforming weeds into wellness solutions with her Alpha Herbal Oil. Her journey from a small farm in Zamboanga del Sur to an international stage is a powerful narrative of how traditional wisdom, scientific research, and unwavering commitment can create products that enhance lives and inspire future generations. As she prepares to present her invention at KIWIE, Mariecel stands as a beacon of hope and innovation, showcasing the profound impact that one individual's vision can have on the world.

 ** This article is part of the "Stirring the Future Solutions" campaign for the participants of the 2024 Korea International Women's Invention Exhibition (KIWIE). For more information and event updates, visit the DOST-TAPI website at