by Carmela Isabelle Disilio

Julienne Stephanie Fabie-Agapin spun the narrative surrounding banana leaves from waste to wonder.

Banana leaves, typically regarded as agricultural waste, are often burned or left to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. However, Julienne Stephanie Fabie-Agapin has turned this narrative around with a groundbreaking solution that champions sustainability and creates new livelihoods for former overseas Filipino workers.


Photo from Ms. Julienne's Facebook account. 

Agapin has dedicated her career to merging scientific research with environmental advocacy. Her latest invention, unVas—a paper-based art canvas made from dried banana leaves—epitomizes this mission.

A chemist and environmentalist

Graduating with a degree in Chemistry from the University of the Philippines Visayas, Agapin discovered a passion for research through her undergraduate thesis on chemical modifications of seaweed extracts. This academic foundation was further solidified during her master’s studies, where she worked under the guidance of esteemed mentors like Prof. Jay Martizano.

Professionally, her experience spans roles in academia and industry, including a significant stint as a pollution control officer at Mang Inasal Philippines Inc., where her drive for environmental sustainability was ignited.

Her professional path took a significant turn towards environmental sustainability, driving her to explore the valorization of underutilized plant parts. This passion led to the creation of eco-friendly products like packaging films from cacao pods and calamondin peels, culminating in her latest invention: unVas.

The Birth of unVas

In 2021, Julienne was approached by Mr. Jimmy Sorabia, the chairperson of a cooperative for displaced overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). He presented her with a challenge: to create a marketable product from dried banana leaves, a common agricultural waste often burnt or left to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals.


Photo courtesy of Ms. Julienne

This challenge resonated with Julienne, given the staggering statistic that 2.72 billion kilograms of dried banana leaves are wasted annually. Seeing both an environmental problem and an opportunity for socio-economic improvement, she developed unVas, a sustainable art canvas.

How unVas works and its impact

unVas transforms dried banana leaves into a viable art canvas, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional canvases.


Photo courtesy of Ms. Julienne 

Beyond reducing pollution from the burning of banana leaves, Agapin also created a pathway for economic empowerment and environmental stewardship by partnering with groups of displaced OFWs.


Photo courtesy of Ms. Julienne 

The early beginnings of unVas was fraught with challenges, primarily financial. Agapin invested her personal funds and utilized home blenders for the initial production. However, with support from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), she was able to scale production and validate the technology.

Empowering women in STEM

As a woman in the STEM field and a solo parent, Agapin views her gender as an advantage. She believes that women's empathetic and approachable nature aids in advocacy and communication. Her advice to aspiring women inventors is to persevere despite obstacles and societal expectations.


Photo courtesy of Ms. Julienne

“There will always be people who would say no. People who would say what you can’t do. People who would put limitations on you. But remember that the only limitation that would truly matter is the limitation you put on yourself.”

Looking ahead: Showcasing at KIWIE 2024

Agapin sees her participation in KIWIE 2024 as a momentous opportunity, hoping to gain market exposure, forge partnerships, and secure funding for further research on dried banana leaves.

If the opportunity permits, Agapin plans to expand unVas’s market presence across the Philippines and Asia, diversifying the product line to include packaging materials, fashion accessories, and home décor. Her ultimate goal is for unVas to be a globally recognized brand that promotes environmental sustainability and socio-economic development.

** This article is part of the "Stirring the Future Solutions" campaign for the participants of the 2024 Korea International Women's Invention Exhibition (KIWIE). For more information and event updates, visit the DOST-TAPI website at