by Mikaela Kate L. Mamauag

The Technology Application and Promotion Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-TAPI) conducted the first internship program for selected technology transfer officers from seven DOST research and development institutes (RDIs).

Through the Honing Innovations, Research, Agreements and Negotiations of the Government-Funded Technologies (HIRANG) Internship Program, 23 selected officers were trained on intellectual property (IP) valuation, technology pitching, negotiation, and licensing of their RDI’s technologies.

DOST-TAPI, HIRANG mentors, and RDI Directors sign the Memorandum of Understanding during the launch of the HIRANG Internship Program on 27 January 2020 at Hotel Jen Manila

by Karen Rojas

Through the Technology Transfer Day Project, the StARTT or the “Strategy to Accelerate and Revitalize Technology Transfer” was funded in 2020 to understand the current state of technology transfer and provide a venue to support and deliver new locally-developed technologies and inventions to the general public. 

The Technology Transfer Day Project is implemented by the Technology Application and Promotion Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-TAPI) to fast-track the commercialization of government-funded technologies through licensing and adoption agreements.

Participants of the Webinar on the Assessment of Technology and Investment Readiness Level of RDIs/SUCs’ Technologies on 19 February 2021